Friday, December 13, 2013

Memoryhouse - When You Sleep [dream pop, indie]

Dear Memoryhouse,

These words are to express my undying appreciation of your beautiful music. I still am so infatuated with your lead singer. She is so pretty :3 and her voice summons all these goddamn whelps in my gastrointestinal tra... wait that's not the phrase. I was at your Toronto show back in June or July or whatever. It was great. MPSO was hilarious and your tunes were everything I had hoped for. (I was the Asian guy ... well I think there was another one ... I was the one not cuddling with his girlfriend on the couch by stage left). I am saddened because I missed you at that folk festival at the Christie Pits. Please play in Toronto again, I will definitely buy multiple tickets to support my beloved band ^_^ (ok maybe if I get a ridiculous paying job by then). I still listen to your album all the time! Ok, that's it.

Plz stay frosty.

Your undying fan (wait that's not right either),

Caelestis (because we don't use real names on blogs)

Caspian - La Cerva [post-rock]

omg so much cool post-rock lately
omg omg
not that I went to any of the concerts

Oh, Caspian was playing here on or near my birthday. I didn't go, of course, because I'm a giant noob. I also missed Mono, meaning I couldn't go and listen to the one-song-by-them-I-like live. Shame be upon me for my cowardice (I HAD TO STUDY AND GET GOOD MARKS, COME ON).

But I do see Caspian's name thrown around in /r/postrock a bit so I figured I might as well check 'em out... y'know, so I can be that guy that name-drops at parties, I want to be that guy so badly, you have no idea.

Um, they're gooooood ... this particular song has a subtle intensity to it, don'cha think?

(from their 2009 album Tertia)

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Deerhunter - Earthquake [indie iunno]

Deerhunter, I think I first came across them as I was looking up something for Deerhoof (or Deer Tick???). Well, I listened to their album but wasn't particularly enraptured by it. Well, with the modern marvels of technology (i.e. Shazam), I was informed that the nice-sounding currently-playing song was in fact by Deerhunter. Being shy of my true potential for pretense, I was only able to impress my friends that the song only sounded "familiar". Well, it turns out, I should've just yolo'd and said I knew the band members because I, in fact, had the album. Hahaaaaaa.

Well, ok so like I think on that album Earthquake is the only song that's more overtly dream poppy (and it's the only song that I particularly like). They played in Toronto a while back, didn't see them, oh well, who goes to a concert for one song?

(from their 2010 album Halcyon Digest)

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Ormonde - Lemon Incest [iunno]

Did you know you could "sing" Chopin? I did, because I listened to this song, and because of that specific knowledge, I am clearly superior.

So like, this band Ormonde is composed of Robert Gomez and Anna-Lynne Williams. While I have no idea who the Robert Gomez fella is, I can say that I have had the great pleasure of being familiar with the music of Anna-Lynne Williams (from Trespasser William and her solo project Lotte Kestner). She has a very consistent and soothing voice. It's very nice. Plz, Anna-Lynne, plz keep making music so I can sleep like a baby at night, plz. Oh, Robert, your voice is deep and sexy in this song. Please also continue to help me sleep at night.

(from their 2012 album Machine)

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Chief - Wait For Me [indie rock]

So like I buy these $1 CDs from Sonic Boom on Bathurst and Bloor periodically (though not recently, maybe I'll go today lulz). Statistically, there's about a 50% chance I like one or two songs on each album, which is probably pretty good. But I really don't know since I'm the only one putting out fucking meaningless biased stats.

ANYWAY, got dis album by Chief a while back. Well, I like 3 songs on there, around that much. They have a relaxed but still engaging lead guitar and a vocalist with a range within which I can approximate (to the chagrin of all the ears around me).

Ok, this is the first song I really liked on that album of theirs I got, "Wait For Me". The video, unfortunately, seems to have been made by by some guy who had a Japanese idol video lying around that subsequently put a clip of that as the background for the song. Ugh, wait... song called "Wait For Me" + idol video = NO. Oh well, it's a great song.

(from their 2010 album Modern Rituals)

Monday, December 9, 2013

Melody's Echo Chamber - I Will Follow [psychedelic pop]

Wow, it has sure been a while ...

I'm finally done my classes forever (until my next degree I guess...) ... after 7 monotonous years.

I do wonder though ... when I start work, will I still be as voracious with music as I am now? Certainly, I won't need to study just as much and so I might just not have as much of an opportunity to listen to the quantity that I usually do.

Who knows...

I've been relistening to Melody's Echo Chamber a bit lately ... came across a song that I must've just glossed over before, it's greeeaaaattttttt.

(from her 2012 album Melody's Echo Chamber ... well it's her only album thus far)

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Yeesh, when was the last time I used this thing?

Well whatever...

Here're a few songs that I've been listening to a lot recently...

"Last Days of Summer by" Lunaire, off their debut EP With The Same Smile As Those Days. (feels like I'm going home or something)

"Wings" by HAERTS, also off their debut EP Hemiplegia. (apparently the sky won't want my tears q_q)

And finally... "Unkind" by Sloan, off of The Double Cross. (keep on rockin' in the free world guys)

Sunday, September 15, 2013

pg.lost - Spirits Stampede [post-rock]

This song has been playing in the back of my head for the past bit but it always takes me way too long to remember what it actually is. Well, no more of that. It's now here so I can remember (though maybe I'll forget I created this post about it).

Anyway, pg.lost is a Swedish post-rock band. This album is really good for rocking out to, in a steady upbeat kind of way, I don't even know if I believe that. This is "Spirits Stampede" from their 2012 album Key.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Staves - "In The Long Run" and "The Motherlode" [folk]

The Staves are a three-girl folk band from the UK. I first heard of them from that album cover from MOJO Magazine of Fleetwood Mac's Rumours. They did a cover of "Songbird". I've had their album sitting around collecting data dust for a while but have finally gotten around to giving it a good listen. Boy, that sure was a good idea (I've always been a sucker for girls and harmonies :3).

Well, anyway, here is a well done live version of two songs from their 2012 album Dead & Born & Grown: "In The Long Run" and "The Motherlode".

Monday, August 12, 2013

Echo Lake - Swimmers [dream pop]

I recently started studying again and, with it, it seems I've also began listening to music more intently.

Well anyway, I've had this album for Echo Lake for a while and it had been sitting in my playlist unplayed for a good while (though I do remember listening to it before and quite liking it actually). Well, finally gave it another listen and it definitely is much more memorable than the other stuff I have that's along this musical stream.

Echo Lake is a duo consisting of Thom Hill and Linda Jarvis hailing from the UK. has "shoegaze" and "dream pop" tags for them, whatever that means; I think I'm starting to become desensitized to this genre business. This is "Swimmers" from their 2012 album Wild Peace.

Monday, July 29, 2013

This Mortal Coil - You And Your Sister

This Mortal Coil was a supergroup project founded by Ivo Watts-Russell, president of record company 4AD. It was active from 1983 to 1991. This song, "You And Your Sister", is from their last album, Blood. Originally released by Chris Bell in 1978, this cover features two familiar names from the 90s: Kim Deal, probably best known for her work with the Pixies, and Tanya Donelly, probably best known for her role in the Breeders.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Hammock - All Is Dream and Everything Is Real [post-rock]

I got Hammock's Departure Songs pretty much around the time it came out. It's a big album: 19 songs over 2 CDs. It's definitely a continuation of their ambient post-rock style. Don't have much to add though; sometimes, I just listen to the stuff without vapidly babbling, seriously.

This is "All Is Dream and Everything Is Real".

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sigur Rós - Starálfur

Lately, it seems I've been going back through my already bloated collection more than trying to find newer music. Sigur Rós's Ágætis byrjun has been playing a lot in my car. Not the whole album, mostly just "Starálfur", "Viðrar Vel Til Loftárasa", and "Ágætis byrjun". It's always surprising when I remember that this album was released back in 1999, though I didn't get a copy myself until probably 2007.

I was sprawled across the backseat of my car late last night. Just outside the window were the pale stars all in their familiar arrangements. Starálfur was playing and it was just so fitting. The first two lyrical lines are translated as "Blue night over the sky; Blue night over me". Whenever I hear those lyrics, I'm immediately reminded of the great wide sky that encapsulates all of us as well as the infinite cosmos that lay just beyond that. Always a welcome reminder since I'm so anxious all the time (says a friend that I hadn't seen for years; and here I was thinking my anxiety was only particularly noticeable in the past year or so).

Anyway, here's the album version of Starálfur. I swear I've written a long-winded post about this already. I guess it was probably for the other blog.

Friday, July 19, 2013

The Radio Dept. - What Will Give [indie pop]

Oh, hello there, old friend. How have you been? My life has been... well, I don't know. It's very much the same as it was in direction but I guess there've been a few notable events since the last time I've posted.

I've shared music by Swedish pop band The Radio Dept. before. It was probably "Heaven's On Fire", but I can't be bothered to take a few seconds to check my old entries. I listened to their 2006 album Pet Grief many moons ago (maybe a year ago). I guess it didn't leave much of an impression on me since I just promptly shelved it afterwards. Well, after giving it a relisten recently, that decision seems to make no sense at all; the album is great.

This is "What Will Give" from Pet Grief.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

54-40 - Northern Soul [rock]

54-40 is a Canadian band active since 1981. Of the four original members, guitarist Phil Comparelli left in 2005 and was replaced by no other than former Matthew Good Band guitarist, Dave Genn. Actually, Genn is the reason I even happened across these guys. And, naturally, I digg the guitar-work by Genn, though I'm probably super biased.

This song is "Northern Soul", the titular track off the Northern Soul album from 2008. The sweet-sounding accompanying vocals are provided by front-man Neil Osborne's daughter, who now records under the moniker Kandle.

All-in-all, nice song, though I guess the antiwar sentiment's a little too blatant for me (not that I'm anti-antiwar).

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

きのこ帝国 (Kinoko teikoku) - WHIRLPOOL [shoegaze]

Compliments of /r/postrock. Strangely enough, the poster of the initial video promptly changed the video description to "No, deleigh, this is not post-rock.", deleigh being the thread starter from Reddit, talk about staying on top of things.

Bio doesn't say much except that they formed in 2007 in Japan. The song is off of their 2012 album 渦になる. And gosh-darnit, they were just in town a few weeks ago. WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING? OH, THE HUMANITY.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

YUKARI (유카리) - Am I Dreaming? [dream pop]

The past few months have not been particularly kind to me. I feel fractured to my very core. But now that summer has come, I sit in my room with the cool breeze blowing in, hearing the birds chirp, finally able to breathe with some sense of tranquility. And this song plays in the background: "Am I Dreaming?" by Korean artist YUKARI (유카리). I'm thankful to have stumbled upon this.

Check out her bandcamp! This song is from her Echo album released last December.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Seu Jorge - Changes [acoustic]

Seu Jorge, musician/actor, had a role in one of my favourite movies: The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. In it, he performed a variety of acoustic David Bowie covers in Portuguese. That movie has definitely done much to influence my musical listenings. Most memorably, it introduced me to Sigur Rós and possibly the entire genre of post-rock.

Well, anyway, was taking a walk down memory lane and noticed that Seu Jorge released an entire album of those Bowie covers, The Life Aquatic Studio Sessions with Seu Jorge. How fantastic, even Bowie himself commented that the covers helped to remind him of the soul of his songs.

This is "Changes" from that album.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Exitmusic - White Noise [dream pop]

Another solid recommendation by This time a fantastic combination of dreamy, noisy instrumentals, a reverberating beat, and heartfelt vocals in "White Noise" by Brooklyn-group Exitmusic off their 2012 album Passage.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Mojave 3 - In Love With A View [alt-country]

Mojave 3 has been a regular on my playlists for the past bit. They are an alt-country group featuring 3 ex-members (Neil Halstead, Rachel Goswell, and Ian McCutcheon) from dream pop band Slowdive. Apparently, they decided on this transition after Slowdive was dropped by then label Creation. They've since picked up a few more members and are currently with label 4AD (with whom tUnE-yArDs is also signed).

This is "In Love With A View", the last song on their 1995 Ask Me Tomorrow album and the first song on their 2000 Excuses For Travelers album.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Besnard Lakes - You Make Loving Fun [shoegaze]

The Besnard Lakes are a Montreal band. This is a cover by them of Fleetwood Mac's "You Make Loving Fun", which features a nice blend of some fuzzy guitar. This song is featured on the "Rumours Revisted", a Fleetwood Mac cover album by MOJO Magazine. Thanks for another great tune, /r/shoegaze.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

2Pac vs. Thomas the Tank Engine - Chug 4 Life [mash-up]

That's not really the name of the song but this is just a fun (and well executed) mash-up between 2Pac's "Thug 4 Life" and the original theme of Thomas the Tank Engine by Mr Corr (Fasubook link here).

Sunday, April 7, 2013

tUnE-yArDs - Powa [folk, R&B]

Tune-Yards (also tUnE-yArDs) is the musical moniker of Merrill Garbus. What a strong & beautiful voice... This is a live version of "Powa", which can be found on her 2011 album Whokill (also, w h o k i l l).

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Dead Mellotron - Stranger [shoegaze]

Hadn't listened to any shoegaze that has caught my attention in the past while but that dry spell has certainly come to an end after listening to Dead Mellotron. I've had a bit on my mind recently so I'm definitely thankful to have found something to melt away into. "Stranger" is from their 2012 album Glitter, which can be streamed and purchased from their Bandcamp here.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Dorena - Till Våning Tretton [post-rock]

The Swedish post-rock band Dorena has recently released a new album, Nuet, before that they had released Holofon back in 2009. This is a song from that 2009 album: "Till Våning Tretton", which Google translates as "To Floor Thirteen". It's a bit of a slow build-up so, perhaps not the best thing to listen to in an impatient mood. When it does get going, it's slightly along the vein of The End of the Ocean (though, importantly, I guess, the stuff I've heard from The End of the Ocean was all released after Holofon).

Monday, April 1, 2013

Antwon - Helicopter [hip hop]

Really digging the sample off this track too. This is "Helicopter" by Antwon and can be found on his Fantasy Beds Mixtape album at his bandcamp. Is it just me or is that crew pretty racially diverse? It's almost as if I'm almost watching something by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis... ok, obvious hyperbole, I take it back.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

MF Doom - Rapp Snitch Knishes [hip hop]

Yo, MF Doom, Mr. Fantastik ... I'm really digging the riff in the background. It's originally from a cover of David Bowie's "Space Oddity" by David Matthews (not the Dave Matthews Band one). This song's from MF Doom's 2004 album Mm... Food.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Tyler, The Creator - IFHY [hip hop]

I do listen to hip hop, though solely based on this blog, no one would ever be the wiser. Tyler's someone I've been following a lot recently. Apparently, he had shown Kanye his video for "IFHY" recently and Kanye responded with a vague head-nod. Fast-forward to today, consists only of an embed for Tyler's video. Twitter reaction here, I'd be going "got damn" too... This song is off his Wolf album due to be released April 2nd.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Cold War Kids - Fear and Trembling [indie rock]

Cold War Kids are a four-piece group from Los Angeles, there's not any other particularly interesting information about this group on their page. This is "Fear and Trembling" off their upcoming release, Dear Miss Lonelyhearts, slated for April 2nd (a fact that's mentioned suspiciously repeatedly on their biography).

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Daft Punk - Get Lucky (Obenhaus remix) [electronica]

I guess while we're on the topic of Daft Punk, they've been releasing some material from their upcoming album, Random Access Memories, out in late May. "All Night To Get Lucky" was released a few days ago on their recently created YouTube channel. Below is the freshly minted Obenhaus remix.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Daft Punk - Aerodynamic (Laurent Mathieu Remix) [electronica]

Well, while we're on the topic of covers, I recently came across an album of remixes of Daft Punk's Discovery album from 2001: Re-Discovery, released around late 2012. The songs are a bit modernized but I'll admit that a lot of them a bit repetitive... Well anyway, here's one of the ones I particularly liked, a remix of "Aerodynamic" by Laurent Mathieu.

Monday, March 25, 2013

The Birds and The Bee - Kiss On My List [indie pop]

The Bird and The Bee are an indie pop duo from California. I still remember how I first came upon their music: Many years ago, I was loitering in Chapters and a very pleasant cover of "How Deep Is Your Love" was playing. Well, I looked around on YouTube and, at the time, that was the only similar sounding one. To this date, I'm still not sure if their version was the one I heard at Chapters that fateful day. Nevertheless, it has become a staple on my iPod ever since.

I've recently looked up again on their music and it looks like they released an album in 2010 chock full of Hall & Oates covers, Interpreting the Masters Vol. 1 - A Tribute to Daryl Hall & John Oates. Here's their version of "Kiss On My List", which is probably the only Hall & Oates song I can sing off the top of my head.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Memoryhouse - The Kids Were Wrong [dream pop]

I've recently been relistening to Memoryhouse's The Slideshow Effect album and it does seem a lot better than last remembered it. Was just looking them up on YouTube and it really seems they have a lot of videos, especially live performances. Well, this isn't a live performance but a very nice music video to one of favourite songs on that album: "The Kids Were Wrong" (I could've sworn I made a previous blog post on this but whatever, maybe I changed it to Sleep Patterns afterwards). The singer is so pretty, I think I have a crush :3.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

1099 - While The City Sleeps [post-rock]

1099 is a Norwegian post-rock band that had previously release two EPs in 2008 and 2009. They've very recently put out an eponymously titled LP, on which this song, "While The City Sleeps", is found. Check out their Bandcamp here.

The song has a cozy jazz element to it. It really reminds me of stuff from Cowboy Bebop. The song prior to this on the album (Iron Fist (Death Is Here)) is actually very opposite in tone. Listening to them one after another really gives a nice contrast.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Kathleen Edwards - Mint [alt country]

I've been lurking the Polaris Prize short-list for the past bit. Kathleen Edwards, alternative country singer since the 90's, was on there with her Voyageur album. "Mint" is a song that stood out for me from that album. Wonder why I never heard any of her stuff growing up.. well probably because I only listened to the Edge and MuchMusic.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Hope Sandoval & The Warm Inventions - Clear Day [mellow pop]

Hope Sandoval is both the lead singer of the prominent-in-the-90s dream pop band Mazzy Star and a solo musician. My exposure to her music is best characterized by the term 'second-hand', in that I seem to hear (and really like) covers and remixes of her music prior to hearing the originals (and even prior to knowing she was the original artist). This has happened a total of three times and I think I've blogged all three of those songs here, so that's certainly quite the string of coincidences (the three songs are "Suzanne" by Asobi Seksu, the Gui Boratto remix of "Paradise Circus" by Massive Attack, and "Fade Into You" by Stumbleine).

So, why not give her music some credit, finally. Ha. This is "Clear Day" from her solo/collaboration album with The Warm Inventions, Bavarian Fruit Bread, released in 2001.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Club 8 - Football Kids [indie pop]

Some more indie pop from Sweden, heard this around the time of the Sambassadeur entry. Club 8 is a duo from Stockholm and have been making music since 1995. "Football Kids" is from their 2007 album The Boy Who Couldn't Stop Dreaming. Very simple, very nice.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

treasureseason - Ocean Beach [dream pop, chillwave]

Another reading week will start right after I finish the two tests this week ...and part of me has already vacated my typically chaotic headspace. Although I don't have any plans of going anywhere warm and sunny, the prospect of doing it does seem to do some good.

This is "Ocean Beach" by London-based treasureseason, consisting of a mix of British and Swedish members, from their eponymous 2012 release.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Beach House - Forever Still [dream pop]

Watching this video really adds another level to the appreciation I have for Beach House's music. Just being able to connect the music to the actual people creating it seems able to infuse a sense of energy into the otherwise more sterile process of simply listening. Too bad, looks like they were in town back in October. 

Background info on the video here. Order of songs is "Wild", "The Hours", "Wishes", and "Irene".

Friday, February 8, 2013

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

That was some gnarly snow storm... what better way to commemorate this than to put up a few songs about snow! Hopefully that's the end of it... I need to go downtown to study tomorrow v_v.

"White Winter Hymnal" by Fleet Foxes from Fleet Foxes [2008]

"Through The Snow" by The Depreciation Guild from Spirit Youth [2010]

Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Sunshine Factory - My Sugar Cane [shoegaze]

Heard this song a while back and finally got around to listening to the rest of the album. The Sunshine Factory are a group from Alabama that have thus far released two albums that have received critical acclaim.  This is "My Sugar Cane" from their 2011 album Sugar.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Fleeting Joys - The Breakup [shoegaze]

Speaking of the cyclical nature of my listening, it seems like my preferences are arriving back around to the shoegaze genre. It has probably been a few months since I've really listened to anything in this genre. Coincidentally, I'm also finding it less enjoyable than it was a few weeks ago to sing as a form of catharsis. Maybe it's more than mere coincidence.

Anyway, here's one fresh from /r/shoegaze (from where 90% of the shoegaze entries come): "The Breakup" by Fleeting Joys, a duo from Sacramento consisting of John and Rorika Loring. This is from their debut 2006 album Despondent Transponder.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Sambassadeur - I Can Try [indie pop]

I really like Swedish music I come across. Really, there's just something very nostalgic and comforting, in the stuff I come across anyway. Even their bio descriptions tend to present various landmarks in a warm cohesive manner.

Sambassadeur's members first came together while they were students studying at Göteborg (Gothenburg). Since then, in 2003, they've released a number of EPs and LPs. This is "I Can Try" from their 2010 album European.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Black Light Burns - The Colour Escapes [industrial rock]

As I was browsing Billy Talent videos on Youtube, I came across their 2009 set for the Rock AM Ring concert in Germany. Another artist that came up in the related videos section was Limp Bizkit, whom had also did a set at the Rock AM Ring in 2009. Last I had paid attention to that band was when they were announcing that Wes Borland was leaving the group so it was surprising to see him doing his thing on stage characteristically decked out in body paint and accessories (the original line-up had reunited in 2009).

Outside of Limp Bizkit, Borland has been involved in a number of projects, most notably being industrial rock group Black Light Burns. Their latest album was released in 2012 titled The Moment You Realize You're Going to Fall and they have another one slated to come out sometime this year. This is "The Colour Escapes".

Friday, February 1, 2013

Billy Talent - Stand Up And Run [rock]

For the past while I had mostly been revisiting the bands of my mid-youth, namely Our Lady Peace, Matthew Good, and Billy Talent. Listening to these albums around a decade after their release, I wonder what kind of an impact that these albums would have had on my life had I actually bought albums back in the day. Would I been more inspired in the realm of music? Would they have pushed me to invest at least some of that abundance of free time of yesteryear into musical endeavours (instead of Starcraft and Guild Wars)?

Well, anyway, I guess it's about time that I revisit this nice little corner.

This song is "Stand Up And Run" by Billy Talent from their 2012 album Dead Silence" (for whatever reason, they decided against titling it "Billy Talent IV"). Although Billy Talent released their first album in 2003, they had been together prior to that under the name of Pezz beginning in 1993. They eventually changed their name after receiving legal complaints from some American group (now defunct), which had apparently coined the name first. So, I guess this makes it their 20th year together.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Stumbleine - Fade Into You (featuring Steffaloo) [chillwave]

Can't find much info on this UK artist, Stumbleine. His music falls under the categories of ambient, chillwave, and downtempo. This is a musically simple song executed to great effect: "Fade Into You", featuring Steffaloo (lo-fi, folk artist from LA). The song can be found Stumbleine's latest LP Spiderwebbed (2012).

Well, turns out this is a cover of a Mazzy Star song from 1993. Funny thing about Mazzy Star and its lead singer Hope Sandoval, I tend to really like covers and remixes of songs she's done but not the originals (i.e. "Suzanne" by Asobi Seksu and the Gui Boratto remix of "Paradise Circus", which she did with Massive Attack). Oh well, great song, original also.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Roald Velden - For You [progressive house]

Roald Velden is the project of Roald Boesveld, electronica artist from the Netherlands. I first heard of his stuff from some progressive mix a while back. I'd say his music generally gives a washy, summery, carefree vibe. Well, at the very least, that would describe the song below as well as its music video.

When I watch videos like these, I often wonder if maybe through those endless nights in the library and endless summers in those summer jobs, that I somehow missed (in the progressive tense of the verb too) something crucial. I'm not getting any younger and I can't say that I have too many memories where I'm really "letting loose" and "enjoying the moment". Makes me wonder if I've gone ahead and pissed away something important.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Russian Circles - Melee [post-metal, post-rock]

Russian Circles are a post-metal/post-rock band from Chicago. Since their inception in 2004, they have released a total of four albums and a handful of EPs. The band has been been notable in their ability to replicate their album sound in their live shows, particular with their first two albums. However, the band has stated they've moved away from that to have a greater focus on creating "compelling albums" starting with their 2009 album Geneva.

Although they've released an album since (Empros, 2011), this post is about song from Geneva: "Melee", marked by heaviness but careful never to drown out the melodies and harmonies.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Tame Impala - Why Won't They Talk To Me? [psychedelic, dream pop]

Lonerism is the second LP released by Australian psychedelic group Tame Impala. The tracks vary across the rock and pop spectrum but all carry a definite psychedelic vibe. I've yet to delve much into the roots of this genre from the 60s/70s but I'd hazard a guess to say that they are faithful, though there's a definite modern feel to it also.

Well, that's enough yammering, it's not like I'm some reviewer for Pitchfork. What do I really know about music beyond the thoughts and feelings they evoke within that aggregated mess of thoughts that is my consciousness?

The album itself is chock full of great songs and I don't want to post Youtube links to 10 different songs so I'll just pick one in a not-so-random manner. This is "Why Won't They Talk To Me?" (I've recently started using an online dating site and so this song seems particularly relevant to the current me). But, on top of this, I'll just also quickly link to "Endors Toi" and "Feels Like We Only Go Backwards" (the latter of which actually has an accompanying music video).

Friday, January 4, 2013

Massive Attack - Paradise Circus (featuring Hope Sandoval; Gui Boratto Remix) [progressive house, trip hop?]

I actually really like progressive house, though I never post that stuff here. What it does for me lies in its simplicity and slight repetitiveness. I find progressive house really gives me time to appreciate its various layers as well as to have my own thoughts float around while the song does its own thing in the background.

Well, something like that. It's never been particularly easy for me to translate those thoughts I have into words.

Anyway, here's a remix of a Massive Attack song that I heard off of a set the other day: "Paradise Circus". The singer for this song is Hope Sandoval of Mazzy Star, a dream pop band that achieved some fame in the 90s. The song is remixed by Brazilian electronic music producer Gui Boratto. The original song can be found on the Heligoland album from 2010 and the remix on the Heligoland Remix EP also released in 2010.