Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Chief - Wait For Me [indie rock]

So like I buy these $1 CDs from Sonic Boom on Bathurst and Bloor periodically (though not recently, maybe I'll go today lulz). Statistically, there's about a 50% chance I like one or two songs on each album, which is probably pretty good. But I really don't know since I'm the only one putting out fucking meaningless biased stats.

ANYWAY, got dis album by Chief a while back. Well, I like 3 songs on there, around that much. They have a relaxed but still engaging lead guitar and a vocalist with a range within which I can approximate (to the chagrin of all the ears around me).

Ok, this is the first song I really liked on that album of theirs I got, "Wait For Me". The video, unfortunately, seems to have been made by by some guy who had a Japanese idol video lying around that subsequently put a clip of that as the background for the song. Ugh, wait... song called "Wait For Me" + idol video = NO. Oh well, it's a great song.

(from their 2010 album Modern Rituals)

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