Friday, February 1, 2013

Billy Talent - Stand Up And Run [rock]

For the past while I had mostly been revisiting the bands of my mid-youth, namely Our Lady Peace, Matthew Good, and Billy Talent. Listening to these albums around a decade after their release, I wonder what kind of an impact that these albums would have had on my life had I actually bought albums back in the day. Would I been more inspired in the realm of music? Would they have pushed me to invest at least some of that abundance of free time of yesteryear into musical endeavours (instead of Starcraft and Guild Wars)?

Well, anyway, I guess it's about time that I revisit this nice little corner.

This song is "Stand Up And Run" by Billy Talent from their 2012 album Dead Silence" (for whatever reason, they decided against titling it "Billy Talent IV"). Although Billy Talent released their first album in 2003, they had been together prior to that under the name of Pezz beginning in 1993. They eventually changed their name after receiving legal complaints from some American group (now defunct), which had apparently coined the name first. So, I guess this makes it their 20th year together.

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