Sunday, July 23, 2017

TOPS - Change Of Heart

What ... I've never made a post about "Change Of Heart" before. Blasphemer, Guilty, Shame.
The retro 80's sound really sold me on this song back in 2014. It still strikes a chord close to the place of my listening preferences to this day. In fact, it was recently bestowed the great honour of being my ringtone (succeeding "Close Chorus" by A Sunny Day In Glasgow). TOPS actually released a new album back in June but I haven't gotten around to getting/listening to yet. Soon, though, I'm sure.

This music video really made me (also presently) want to go on a road trip with friends and eat dipped cones. Well, I can't really do any of that except eat the dipped cone. WAIT, WHAT THE FUCK, IS THAT SEAN NICHOLAS SAVAGE AT 1:16. THEY WERE BOTH WITH ARBUTUS AT THE TIME. UM. OH SHIT.


"Change Of Heart" by TOPS from their 2014 album Picture You Staring

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