Saturday, December 15, 2012

Amy Macdonald - Slow It Down [rock]

The past couple of weeks have been pretty rough and it's really starting to put a strain the relationships I have with those around me. I'm very thankful that they are not petty people and that they've all been very accommodating to this (hopefully) transient state. One of the few things that are keeping me from bursting at the seams is, as cliché as it may sound, music, specifically, the ready wealth of music that the Internet has made assessible.

So, almost twenty years after its release, I finally checked out the debut album from The Cranberries, Everybody Is Doing It, So Can't We?, and I'm definitely going to file this album under the "should've gotten this years ago" category. But this post isn't about The Cranberries. It's about the musician that was listed under "Similar Artists", Amy MacDonald (albeit with "Lower Similarity").

Amy MacDonald is a Scottish singer/songwriter who cites her influences as Travis and The Killers. Her first album was released in 2007. This particular song is "Slow It Down" from her third album Life In A Beautiful Light, released earlier this year in June. According to her entry, this song is about her being a petrolhead (car enthusiast). Thanks be to for allowing this blessed encounter.

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