Friday, December 13, 2013

Memoryhouse - When You Sleep [dream pop, indie]

Dear Memoryhouse,

These words are to express my undying appreciation of your beautiful music. I still am so infatuated with your lead singer. She is so pretty :3 and her voice summons all these goddamn whelps in my gastrointestinal tra... wait that's not the phrase. I was at your Toronto show back in June or July or whatever. It was great. MPSO was hilarious and your tunes were everything I had hoped for. (I was the Asian guy ... well I think there was another one ... I was the one not cuddling with his girlfriend on the couch by stage left). I am saddened because I missed you at that folk festival at the Christie Pits. Please play in Toronto again, I will definitely buy multiple tickets to support my beloved band ^_^ (ok maybe if I get a ridiculous paying job by then). I still listen to your album all the time! Ok, that's it.

Plz stay frosty.

Your undying fan (wait that's not right either),

Caelestis (because we don't use real names on blogs)

Caspian - La Cerva [post-rock]

omg so much cool post-rock lately
omg omg
not that I went to any of the concerts

Oh, Caspian was playing here on or near my birthday. I didn't go, of course, because I'm a giant noob. I also missed Mono, meaning I couldn't go and listen to the one-song-by-them-I-like live. Shame be upon me for my cowardice (I HAD TO STUDY AND GET GOOD MARKS, COME ON).

But I do see Caspian's name thrown around in /r/postrock a bit so I figured I might as well check 'em out... y'know, so I can be that guy that name-drops at parties, I want to be that guy so badly, you have no idea.

Um, they're gooooood ... this particular song has a subtle intensity to it, don'cha think?

(from their 2009 album Tertia)

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Deerhunter - Earthquake [indie iunno]

Deerhunter, I think I first came across them as I was looking up something for Deerhoof (or Deer Tick???). Well, I listened to their album but wasn't particularly enraptured by it. Well, with the modern marvels of technology (i.e. Shazam), I was informed that the nice-sounding currently-playing song was in fact by Deerhunter. Being shy of my true potential for pretense, I was only able to impress my friends that the song only sounded "familiar". Well, it turns out, I should've just yolo'd and said I knew the band members because I, in fact, had the album. Hahaaaaaa.

Well, ok so like I think on that album Earthquake is the only song that's more overtly dream poppy (and it's the only song that I particularly like). They played in Toronto a while back, didn't see them, oh well, who goes to a concert for one song?

(from their 2010 album Halcyon Digest)

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Ormonde - Lemon Incest [iunno]

Did you know you could "sing" Chopin? I did, because I listened to this song, and because of that specific knowledge, I am clearly superior.

So like, this band Ormonde is composed of Robert Gomez and Anna-Lynne Williams. While I have no idea who the Robert Gomez fella is, I can say that I have had the great pleasure of being familiar with the music of Anna-Lynne Williams (from Trespasser William and her solo project Lotte Kestner). She has a very consistent and soothing voice. It's very nice. Plz, Anna-Lynne, plz keep making music so I can sleep like a baby at night, plz. Oh, Robert, your voice is deep and sexy in this song. Please also continue to help me sleep at night.

(from their 2012 album Machine)

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Chief - Wait For Me [indie rock]

So like I buy these $1 CDs from Sonic Boom on Bathurst and Bloor periodically (though not recently, maybe I'll go today lulz). Statistically, there's about a 50% chance I like one or two songs on each album, which is probably pretty good. But I really don't know since I'm the only one putting out fucking meaningless biased stats.

ANYWAY, got dis album by Chief a while back. Well, I like 3 songs on there, around that much. They have a relaxed but still engaging lead guitar and a vocalist with a range within which I can approximate (to the chagrin of all the ears around me).

Ok, this is the first song I really liked on that album of theirs I got, "Wait For Me". The video, unfortunately, seems to have been made by by some guy who had a Japanese idol video lying around that subsequently put a clip of that as the background for the song. Ugh, wait... song called "Wait For Me" + idol video = NO. Oh well, it's a great song.

(from their 2010 album Modern Rituals)

Monday, December 9, 2013

Melody's Echo Chamber - I Will Follow [psychedelic pop]

Wow, it has sure been a while ...

I'm finally done my classes forever (until my next degree I guess...) ... after 7 monotonous years.

I do wonder though ... when I start work, will I still be as voracious with music as I am now? Certainly, I won't need to study just as much and so I might just not have as much of an opportunity to listen to the quantity that I usually do.

Who knows...

I've been relistening to Melody's Echo Chamber a bit lately ... came across a song that I must've just glossed over before, it's greeeaaaattttttt.

(from her 2012 album Melody's Echo Chamber ... well it's her only album thus far)