Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Giranice - Sub Rosa [post-rock]

So, after what was probably a period of at least three years, I opened my violin case (well I opened both my cases as I had forgotten which one housed the significantly better violin) and tried my hand at that instrument that had once featured so prominently in my life. It turns out that I could still play most of the stuff I had left off with moderately in tune, though not in time.

I left the violin a while back because... well... I guess it lost its appeal. I was never a huge fan of monophony and it seemed with violin, that's all I could produce. Also, in the vast majority of music I listened to back then and even now, the violin didn't/doesn't feature much. And so, my repertoire then consisted only of monophonic pieces from literally hundreds of years ago.

But anyway, I'm making this post because I had just heard a really great post-rock tune that featured the violin. This definitely wouldn't be the first time that I've heard the violin featured in this genre, two immediate examples that come to mind would be "Starálfur" by Sigur Rós and "Alas! Alas! The Breath Of Life!" by Ascent Of Everest. So, for the topic of this particular post, the band is Giranice, hailing from Spain. The song is "Sub Rosa" from their recent release Enea (album available for free on their bandcamp).

**edit** I changed the song from "Banako Zen" to "Sub Rosa"

I wonder if how I would go about translating all that classical violin training into something like this... wouldn't that be something?

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