Saturday, June 9, 2012

Giants - At Last Ashore [post-rock]

I bid welcome once again for I hath returneth from the nether! A great evil had stricken the lands and I had no choice but to do battle. And long was my struggle. But I have come out victorious! Now with Lord Diablo many times slain, the gods have deemed it appropriate that I return to my native realm so that I may continue my worldly affairs. I mean there are a bunch of other reasons for why I had simply abandoned this place in May but let's just keep it simple and blame my lack of self-control when it comes to gaming.

But I digress..

Since my last entry, the vast majority of the music I had been sampling was of the post-rock genre so at least a few of the next entries will be a smattering of that. This is "At Last Ashore" by Giants, an American post-rock band. This song consists of a hopeful cadenced melody set to a slower, laid back tempo. Listening to this song elicits images of a bittersweet victory march following a long, arduous struggle. A sort of victory that one would rather not experience should they have had a choice to avoid the conflict in the first place. The song ends with a fade, signifying a continued pushing forward. This song can be found on their 2008 album Old Stories.

In the past I tried my best not to post more than one song from albums but I think I'll do away with that little rule of mine. There's another good song on that album for which I'll write a post later.

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