Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Men I Trust - Tree Among Shrubs

I never really got into the sound of Men I Trust previously but this song really found a corresponding cranny to fill up. A welcomed wave of warmth to help during these past few cold spells (and the recent blizzard ... 3 hours of shoveling ... would not recommend). I wonder if I'll ever go to a live show again...

"Tree Among Shrubs" by Men I Trust from their 2021 release Untourable Album

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Mitski - Love Me More

It feels like a good time right now... recent releases by Beach House and Mitski after a good chunk of time. Mitski's really great ... distinctive voice and instrumentals with clear artistic vision in the non-musical aspects of her work.  

"Love Me More" by Mitski from her 2022 release Love Me More

Monday, January 17, 2022

Beach House - Superstar

Fatherhood has been ok. Just, nonstop. Can't believe it's been a year and a half since I documented anything on here. I guess, to be honest, I really didn't even have time to listen to music in a real, engaged way until recently. 

Well anyway, here's some Beach House (woohoo). I really like their latest album (Once, Twice, Melody). I don't think I've liked an entire release of theirs like this since Bloom ... really takes me back. This time around, the music has a distinct cinematic feel to it.

"Superstar" by Beach House from their 2021 release Once, Twice Melody